200 Gram

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100 Shot Magical Barrage

100 shots of brightly colored pearls quickly fly into the air. A lot of show for a little money.

After Burner

16 shots of golden waves to crackles with golden tails

Bada Bing

A hard breaking 200 gram cake, Bada Bing offers red, silver and blue peonies, all with coordinating tails.


61Shot repeater aerial cake with pristine color of yellow and orange
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Chili Pepper

A breakout shot of golden tail to red coconut. Spice up the show with another gold break transforming into green coconuts, adding to he heat.

Desert At Night

A 7 shot classic.

Eye Of The Tiger

If you have no guts, you get no glory...

Garden In Spring

Shower of color stars and white glittering for 10 seconds then shooting up color star with report

Gone Bananas

16 Shots of red,blue and white stars with swirling silver tails.


12 shots of vibrant yellow transforming into red, green and blue respectfully. Then 8 shots of magnificent purple stars ans scatter crackle echo off the clouds.
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Land of The Free

Red, white, and blue stars with reports.
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Mama's Boy

12 shot, red star and white glitter, green star and gold glitter, purple star and green glitter. Time rain palm trees
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